четверг, 23 ноября 2017 г.

Such Cryptocurrency. So Amaze.

Such Cryptocurrency. So Amaze.

In 2013, Jackson Palmer started paying close attention to cryptocurrencies — bitcoin, and everything that came after. Things seemed a little bubbly.

Also big back in 2013: Doge, an Internet meme that featured an adorable dog and strange syntax

Jackson sent off a random tweet about “Dogecoin” — just a throwaway joke. But one thing led to another, and Dogecoin became a real thing. Jackson tried to keep Dogecoin light and fun — it was for learning about cryptocurrency, and giving money to charity.

Then things turned dark.

On today’s show, Jackson tells us the story of Dogecoin — a joke that is now worth $1.4 billion.

Original article and pictures take www.24cryptoroom.com site