пятница, 17 ноября 2017 г.

RBC Analyst Says Crypto Currency Market Going to $10 Trillion -VIDEO

RBC Analyst Says Crypto Currency Market Going to $10 Trillion -VIDEO

7 thoughts on “RBC Analyst Says Crypto Currency Market Going to $10 Trillion -VIDEO”

  1. Pretty much talking about SIA and Storj without mentioning them. SIA was at .02 a week ago, now .10!

  2. Why is bcashit shown in second place when its place is 4th?

  3. Watch out for Guld this year. DAG is going to be huge in 2018.

  4. This chick is always looking stunned by blockchain tech. Msm is slowly realizing how God Damn far behind the eight ball they are. So far they can't catch up. THEY will also be displaced. Good riddance.

Original article and pictures take worldcontentsolutions.com site