пятница, 27 октября 2017 г.

North American Bitcoin Conference

North American Bitcoin Conference

Many established and emerging crypto & ICO stars are soon to hit the stage at the James L Knight Center in downtown Miami. To many outsiders it might seem to be against better judgment to spend time inside a packed conference hall right next to that seductive turquoise water, gently swaying palm trees and that world famous golden beach. That is true especially for those traveling over from the currently Blade Runner-esque January London. To most crypto obsessives, however, the weather can’t compete with what is available inside.

According to the latest data from Keynote, the attendance expectancy has tripled to 3000 people. Crypto is undeniably on a high roll in 2018. This year might just be the one that blockchain solutions explode into the public consciousness as much more than just a new form of currency. Considering its been around less than a decade the speed is incredible.

I will be among the other floor displayers there to present some crypto art and write to News BTC about the experience. Getting an email offer to join the conference came at the perfect time a month back as another trip over had been in the works since last summer.

My second US art exhibit will be at the Art Ford Lauderdale fair a week after BTC Miami so that serendipitous gap might allow me that day at the beach after all – even if to just mentally prepare for what is to come right after. This is also my first collaboration exhibit through the legends only Tranter-Sinni Gallery. Due to the gallery, AFL will now also include our bodypainting performance with dancers and a 30-minute talk about tech, art and societal change at 3 pm on the 25th.

“We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. ” – Carl Sagan

It will be interesting to talk at a mainstream contemporary art show about the blockchain, VR, and AI after hearing the latest tech insights a week before at BTC Miami. It is not apparent to most in crypto why the blockchain is relevant to art – let alone those who might have only heard the name Bitcoin in passing. Crypto is fast becoming connected to visual art through innovations like Verisart and Maecenas, a decentralized art gallery. It can solve things that have caused major problems within it for centuries.

After recently selling a piece to Silver 8 Capital I used blockchain to verify it through an open to public ledger. See the online authentication here. The landscape of art business is changing due to technology, and a few galleries already cater to the emerging crypto collector class.

There will be at least two more articles regarding everything that is about to happen in sunny Florida. These will include some professionally put together video material, images, insights and quotes from speakers. There are not many covering topics in this space from the perspective of a creative, so I’m privileged to offer it on this platform.

In the world of finance people often forget why they are relevant to people outside of their primary field of interest. Money, especially now, can quickly feel like a gamelike abstraction only. The feedback loop from outside it is often the one that fuels intuition on where to invest next, what to support and perhaps help generate a new evolutionary idea.

For me, the blockchain inspired a whole new art platform and freed me to express potential future directions more easily than the previous. Grandiose as that might sound within the art world, in tech, this is just a normal Monday.

The trip already inspired me to make this crypto art piece titled “T(r)optical.” The central palm tree has some coconuts in it and suggests that by journeying over you get to crack them open and access what is inside.

The peacock nesting in the tree has spread its wings to flaunt other crypto logos inside as well.

The famous Miami skyline at the bottom incorporates the coins as well as the code that is transforming the banking buildings that make it.

If someone had told me only a couple of years ago that I would be making art about digital money and be inspired by a conference – I’d likely suggested for them to alter their medication.

The power of Bitcoin I guess.

Original article and pictures take 99altcoin.com site

NFC Crypto Pay

NFC Crypto Pay
NFC Crypto Pay

Wouldn't it be awesome if you could actually USE your crypto currency for payment say via NFC like Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, or Android Pay?

Original article and pictures take cdn.dribbble.com site

среда, 25 октября 2017 г.




Original article and pictures take worldcontentsolutions.com site

вторник, 24 октября 2017 г.

New York Assemblyman Proposes Digital Currency Task Force – Bitcoin News

New York Assemblyman Proposes Digital Currency Task Force – Bitcoin News

4:20 AM

New York Assemblyman Proposes Digital Currency Task Force
New York Assemblyman Proposes Digital Currency Task Force


A few new bills have been proposed by New York state officials concerning the implications of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. One of the bills sponsored by the democratic assemblyman Clyde Vanel called bill AO8783 aims to create a “digital currency task force” that plans to monitor the “widespread implementation of digital currencies on financial markets in the state.”

Also read: Japan Increases Lead – Approves Another Four New Cryptocurrency Exchanges

New York Officials Want to Create a Cryptocurrency Task Force That Studies the Implications of Digital Assets Within the State’s Economy

U.S. government officials are ramping up their efforts to regulate the cryptocurrency and blockchain economy as many bureaucrats are proposing bills for the upcoming new year. Last week Democratic assemblyman, Clyde Vanel, introduced four new bills for the state of New York that apply to these emerging technologies. One of them being a cryptocurrency task force that will provide the Governor with information on the potential widespread effects of digital assets.

According to bill AO8783, the task force members will be comprised of members appointed by the Senate president, the Governor, the assembly speaker, and other government agencies from New York. The bill explains the proposed legislation’s goals in the summary which states;

The task force shall examine and evaluate digital currencies within the state — identify the potential effects of the widespread implementation of digital currencies on financial markets — review the impact of the department’s Bitlicense program on the use of digital currencies, and make recommendations to further utilize digital currencies within the state.

New York Assemblyman Proposes Digital Currency Task Force
New York Assemblyman Proposes Digital Currency Task Force

A Blockchain Task Force And Defining Legal Terminologies Tethered to These Emerging Technologies

If the law is approved, the task force will collaborate with New York’s Department of Taxation, the Department of Finance, and with the governor as well. Every year the group will submit an annual report to the governor and submit regulatory proposals. In addition to the digital currency task force, assemblyman Vanel has submitted another proposal for a blockchain task force as well. The group will be similar to the digital asset task force but focus more attention on the broader aspects of the technology.

Furthermore Vanel proposed two more bills that are focused on blockchain innovation and smart contracts. New York Assembly bill 8780 seeks to provide legal definitions for both of these emerging technologies. Lastly, Assembly bill 8792 discusses blockchain technology and utilizing tokens and smart contracts for voting records. The state of New York is the financial epicenter within the U.S., and bureaucrats from the region want to tighten its legislative grip on these emerging technologies before it’s too late. Two of the bills sponsored by Vanel are very similar to measures constructed in Arizona and Vermont.

What do you think about the state of New York creating a digital currency task force? Let us know in the comments below.

Images via the NY Assembly, and Clyde Vanel.

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Mine Bitcoin & Litecoin Here


Original article and pictures take mybtccoin.com site

понедельник, 23 октября 2017 г.

четверг, 19 октября 2017 г.

New Era Of Crypto Currency and GDC Coin!

New Era Of Crypto Currency and GDC Coin!

When Satoshi Nakamoto invented Bitcoin in late 2008, he never imagined that crypto currency would become such a raging concept in the future. While it has taken the world by storm, the concept still remains a mystery for the majority of people.

Originally invented as an electronic cash system to support transactions among peers, crypto currency today is applauded as the most potential new age currency. After many failed attempts to build decentralized digital cash system, Satoshi found that digital cash could be exchanged through consent without a central authority. In a decentralized network, every peer has a list contaaining all the transactions to confirm their validity in future. If the peers disagree about even one single, negligible balance, everything is broken. They need an absolute consensus.


Since a decentralized network lacks a central authority, cryptocurrency needs a mechanism that prevents its abuse. Satoshi made the rule that the miners (primarily, anybody can be a miner), should invest some of their computer’s work to be eligible for this task. It’s like solving a cryptologic puzzle to build a block that you can add to the block chain. As a motivation, he is awarded some Bitcoins once the transaction is confirmed. This is how valid Bitcoins are created. You can create only a particular amount of cryptocurrency in a given time.

What Is Cryptocurrency?

Basically, cryptocurrencies are entries in decentralized consensus-databases. Cryptocurrencies are created through using encryption techniques. Taking away all the noise, just consider cryptocurrencies as entries in a database that can’t be changed without satisfying certain conditions.


Cryptocurrency is a mode of exchange, generated and stored automatically in a block chain through cryptography to manage the formation of financial units and to confirm the transfer of money. Bitcoin is one of the popular cryptocurrencies of today.

Properties Of Cryptocurrency That You Need To Know

To comprehend the concept of Cryptocurrency, let’s take a look at its properties:

• Irreversible

Once the transaction is confirmed, it can‘t be undone, by any means. It is done forever; no matter if you send money to a trickster or it is robbed from your computer. There is no reversing whatsoever.

• No identification

There is no connection between the transactions and real world identities. Bitcoins is an address of around 30 characters. While you can look at the transaction flow, it is impossible to relate the real world character of the user to that address.

• Instant global access

The transaction is instantly propagated and confirmed in the network. Since a global network of computers is involved, you can send bitcoin to your next door neighbour or to a distant user. Geographic locations don’t matter.

• Secure

Cryptocurrency is encrypted and stored through a private key system. If you have the private key, you can make the transaction. Robust cryptography makes it impractical to break this system.

• Use at your will

Since there is no central authority, you can use cryptocurrency at your will. Just download and install the software and you can send and receive cryptocurrencies. No permission needed.

New Era Of Economy With Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies can be considered as digital gold. Secure money that increases its worth in time. Cryptocurrencies are fast becoming a comfortable mode of payment worldwide. While Bitcoin is certainly the most popular cryptocurrency, we introduce you to the other cryptocurrencies famous today:


This is world’s first cryptocurrency that is seen as the digital gold benchmark in the cryptocurrency arena. Bitcoin is used as a means of payment globally. It is valued at around 650 Dollar with its transaction volume touching 200.000 daily.


It takes the second spot in the ranking order of cryptocurrencies. Ethereum can process transactions, as well as, complex programs and contracts. There are several replicas of ethereum so it is a collection of cryptocurrencies, and not a single currency.


Litecoin is labelled as the digital silver or the younger brother of Bitcoin. With a fresh mining algorithm and with a greater amount of token, Litecoin was a real invention. However, it couldn’t find a real deal and slipped down in the ranking order. Nevertheless, it is still actively used and stored as a backup (to Bitcoin).


Monero is based on the cryptonite algorithm that was invented to enhance the privacy that Bitcoin doesn’t offer. Every bitcoin transaction is documented and can be followed. With the introduction of the cryptonite algorithm, it became possible to cut through that path.

Besides these, there are several other cryptocurrencies that promise to make a mark in the cryptocurrency arena.


There is a huge scope for cryptocurrencies as new ones emerge and old ones die every day. Every cryptocurrency comes out with a promise, only to be replaced by some new cryptocurrency. In a couple of years, cryptocurrencies may be legalised for business transactions and micropayments. On the flip side, cryptocurrencies have besieged the scope of the economic system as it cannot be controlled or changed by a government institution or a bank or any central body. It has enough scope to double as a medium of payment for outlawed economic activities and black markets.

GDC coins forays into the world of the digital economy to help people move to a globally accepted payment or exchange mode through cryptocurrency. Secured by an infallible system, cryptocurrency is founded on the blockchain scheme that renders it impenetrable for hackers.

it will help financial provides like VISA, MASTER, PAYMENT GATEWAY service providers. Moreover, it will facilitate Para Banking and other financial service providers. Here is how GDC coin will help financial providers:

• GDC Coin Will Help Acquire New Business Approach


e. Mobile Wallet

Original article and pictures take 78.media.tumblr.com site

среда, 18 октября 2017 г.

modern successful girl holds a gold bitcoin and a tablet with charts of crypto currency

modern successful girl holds a gold bitcoin and a tablet with charts of crypto currency
modern successful girl holds a gold bitcoin and a tablet with charts of crypto currency

valiuta валюта tablietka таблетка fon fone fonovyi riezhim kontiekst obrazovaniie podghotovka podoplioka priedposylka priedystoriia proiskhozhdieniie zadnii plan задний план контекст образование подготовка подоплёка предпосылка предыстория происхождение фон фоновый фоновый режим bank bankomiot bieriegh otmiel virazh банк банкомёт берег вираж отмель банковское дело bit kusok svierlo ude udila бит кусок сверло удила chiernokozhaia chiernokozhii chiornaia chiornyi nieghr nieghritianka nieghritianskii tiemnokozhii негр негритянка негритянский темнокожий черное чернокожая чернокожий чёрная чёрно чёрный bielyi biestsvietnyi bliednyi bolvanka chistyi kholostoi kholostoi patron nieispisannyi niezapolniennyi probiel pustoi stieriet stirat zaghotovka белый бесцветный бледный болванка заготовка незаполненный неисписанный пробел пустой стереть стирать холостой холостой патрон чистый blok blokirovat kvartal блок блокировать квартал gholuboi sinii голубая голубое голубой голубые синий синяя biznies dielo priedpriiatiie rabota zaniatiie бизнес дело занятие предприятие работа nalichka nalichnyie nalichnyie dien ghi кассовый наличка наличные наличные деньги posliedovatiel nost siet tsiep tsiepochka последовательность сеть цепочка цепь kod kodieks kodirovat shifr shifrovat ustav zakodirovat zashifrovat закодировать закодируйте зашифровать код кодекс кодировать устав шифр шифровать fishka monietka zhieton жетон монетка фишка kommiertsiia obshchieniie snoshieniie torghovlia коммерция общение сношение торговля kontsieptsiia poniatiie priedstavlieniie идея концепция понятие представление принципиальная схема chiertiozh diaghramma plan диаграмма план чертёж tsifrovo tsifrovoi цифрово цифровой bieriezhlivost ekonomichnost ekonomiia ekonomika ekonomnyi khoziaistvo бережливость хозяйство экономика экономичность экономия экономный eliektronno eliektronnyi электронная электронно электронный birzha obmien obmieniat sia obmienivat sia zamieniat zamienit биржа заменить заменять обмен обмениваться обменяться finans finansirovat finansy финансировать финансы finansovokhoziaistvienno финансовохозяйственно aurum iablochko iabloko mishieni zoloto zolotoi золото золотой яблоко мишени яблочко zolotisto zolotistyi золотая золотисто золотистый золотое dierzhat sodierzhat trium zadierzhat zadierzhivat zakhvat держать задержать задерживать захват содержать трюм byt nastorozhie byt ostorozhnym ghliadiet iskat poghliadiet posmotriet smotriet vnieshnost vyghliadiet vyghliadyvat vyghlianut быть настороже быть осторожным внешность выглядеть выглядывать выглянуть глядеть искать поглядеть посмотреть смотреть krushiets mietall крушец металл металлическая металлический mobil nyi pieriedvizhnoi podvizhnoi мобил мобильный передвижно передвижной подвижной модель макет dien ghi nal деньги нал okupat sia okupit sia oplachivat oplatit platit udieliat udielit zaplatit заплатить окупаться окупиться оплатить оплачивать платить получка уделить уделять pc koeffitsiient kurs otnoshieniie proportsiia protsient rastsienka skorost stavka tarif tiemp tsiena коэффициент курс отношение пропорция процент расценка скорость ставка тариф темп цена ekran shirma sietka zaslon заслон сетка ширма экран biezopasnost gharantiia nadiozhnost obiespiechiennost sluzhba biezopasnosti zashchita безопасность гарантия защита надёжность обеспеченность служба безопасности frantovsk nakhodchivyi poniatlivyi razumnyi smyshlionyi soobrazitiel nyi umnyi находчивый понятливый разумный смышлёный сообразительный умный франтовск embliema simvol znak знак символ эмблема tiekhnika tiekhnologhiia техника технология opieratsiia obmiena provodka sdielka tranzaktsiia операция обмена проводка сделка транзакция virtual nyi виртуальный pautina веб паутина

Original article and pictures take www2.shutterstock.com site

вторник, 17 октября 2017 г.

Miner of Crypto Currency

Miner of Crypto Currency
Miner of Crypto Currency - People Characters
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Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.

Original article and pictures take public-assets.envato-static.com site

пятница, 13 октября 2017 г.

Man Buys $103K Tesla Model S With Bitcoin

Man Buys $103K Tesla Model S With Bitcoin

Proving once again that Bitcoin is not just for illicit purchases (you can go to space with it too!), a man bought a Tesla Model S car with bitcoins. The purchase is reportedly the first Tesla, and possibly the first car ever, to be bought with the online currency.

Lamborghini Newport Beach in Southern California sold the car, the dealership announced on its blog last Wednesday, but the buyer is currently unknown.

"We just sold our very first vehicle with Bitcoin as payment," reads the blog post. "That's right, an electronic currency was used to purchase a fully electric vehicle." The dealership, which is not operated by Tesla, also announced that it would accept Bitcoin payments going forward.

There aren't many details available about the purchase, but the dealership's marketing director, Cedric Davy, told CNN that a man from Florida bought the car for 91.4 bitcoins, which at the time were equivalent to $103,000. Though the price of the notoriously volatile currency dropped shortly after the sale, CNN reports that payment processor BitPay locked in Tuesday's Bitcoin price for both buyer and seller.

While the dealership didn't previously accept Bitcoin, when the man called asking if he could pay with it, they researched the electronic currency and worked with BitPay to make the sale happen.

"All these people have bitcoins," Davy told CNN. "I think some people are trying to spend it."

Image: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Original article and pictures take a.amz.mshcdn.com site

четверг, 12 октября 2017 г.

Making sense of bitcoin, cryptocurrency, and blockchain

Making sense of bitcoin, cryptocurrency, and blockchain


There has been a lot of noise recently about terms like "bitcoin," "blockchain," and "cryptocurrency." Some of it is hype, but some of it points to important forces in the financial services industry. So what does it all mean?

We can help. We’ve pulled together a few short articles that explain why a lot of industry observers are paying close attention.

Let's start with some quick definitions. Blockchain is the technology that enables the existence of cryptocurrency (among other things). Bitcoin is the name of the best-known cryptocurrency, the one for which blockchain technology was invented. A cryptocurrency is a medium of exchange, such as the US dollar, but is digital and uses encryption techniques to control the creation of monetary units and to verify the transfer of funds.

A look at blockchain technology

Blockchain also has potential applications far beyond bitcoin and cryptocurrency. Blockchain is, quite simply, a digital, decentralized ledger that keeps a record of all transactions that take place across a peer-to-peer network. The major innovation is that the technology allows market participants to transfer assets across the Internet without the need for a centralized third party.

From a business perspective, it’s helpful to think of blockchain technology as a type of next-generation business process improvement software. Collaborative technology, such as blockchain, promises the ability to improve the business processes that occur between companies, radically lowering the “cost of trust.” For this reason, it may offer significantly higher returns for each investment dollar spent than most traditional internal investments.

Financial institutions are exploring how they could also use blockchain technology to upend everything from clearing and settlement to insurance.

For an overview of cryptocurrency, start with “Money is no object.” This paper, from PwC’s Financial Services Institute, focuses on cryptocurrency. We explain where it came from, how much consumers know about it and use it, what it will take for the market to grow, and what the regulators think. We also look at how market participants, such as investors, technology providers, and financial institutions, will be affected.

For some quick background on blockchain, take a look at these two short articles.

For a deeper dive into blockchain’s implications, read “A strategist’s guide to blockchain.” This article, from strategy+business, examines the potential benefits of this important innovation — and also suggests a way forward for financial institutions. Put simply, proceed deliberately. Explore how others might try to disrupt your business with blockchain technology, and how your company could use it to leap ahead instead. In all cases, link your investments to your value proposition, and give your business partners and your customers what they want most: speed, convenience, and control over their transactions.

For a peek into the application of blockchains for smart contracts, check out “Blockchain and smart contract automation”. This short series of articles explore how blockchains, both public and private, have triggered a global hunt for ways to remove friction from transaction-related processes, including the process of reaching contractual agreements. Learn about the precursors, challenges, and future outlook of implementing smart contracts. We also chat with Gideon Greenspan of Coin Sciences to learn about his views on the legal ramifications of public blockchains and why companies are seeking alternatives.

When a technology moves so quickly, it’s dangerous to sit on the sidelines. We’re watching blockchain move from a startup idea to an established technology in a tiny fraction of the time it took for the Internet or even the PC to be accepted as a standard tool. Blockchain technology could result in a radically different competitive future for the financial services industry. These articles will help you understand these changes — and what you should do about them.

How PwC can help

Any blockchain solution, no matter how prescient, is only as good as its execution. This is where PwC excels—by offering proven expertise in managing complex implementation programs from start to finish.

What PwC delivers:

  • Business and functional requirements
  • Design, development, testing and training of blockchain solutions
  • Integration and management of third party implementation partners
  • Rigorous PMO and proactive management of overall efforts

Original article and pictures take www.pwc.com site

вторник, 10 октября 2017 г.

Make the BITCOIN great - btc crypto currency T-Shirt

Make the BITCOIN great - btc crypto currency T-Shirt
Make the BITCOIN great - btc crypto currency T-Shirt
Independent artist’s content may not match model depicted; RealView™ technology illustrates fit and usage only.

Original article and pictures take www.zazzle.com site

понедельник, 9 октября 2017 г.

Localbitcoins Trading Volume Sets New Global All-Time High

Localbitcoins Trading Volume Sets New Global All-Time High
Localbitcoins Trading Volume Sets New Global All-Time High

Peer-to-peer (P2P) bitcoin trading on Localbitcoins established a new global weekly all-time high for the week of the 19th of September, largely driven by an exodus of capital from China’s cryptocurrency markets. The spike in global P2P trading volume has seen record-breaking Localbitcoins trading volume across numerous international markets, including China, India, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Switzerland, Thailand, the United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela in recent weeks.

Also Read: Localbitcoins Compensates Users by Selling Bitcoin Cash for BTC

China’s Crackdown on Cryptocurrency Exchanges Has Forced Many Traders to Use P2P and OTC Markets

Localbitcoins Trading Volume Sets New Global All-Time High

The Chinese Localbitcoins markets set a new all-time high for trade volume this past week, with over 115 million CNY worth of bitcoin being exchanged. Many believe that the record volume is a direct result of China’s cryptocurrency crackdown, which has driven traders to use platforms that are outside of the Chinese central government’s control.

Localbitcoins Trading Volume Sets New Global All-Time High

Switzerland also witnessed record highs in P2P bitcoin trading volume this week, establishing a new high of approximately 140,000 francs. The high comprises the second consecutive week that the Swiss Localbitcoins markets set a new all-time for trading volume, following a 37 percent increase in trading volume during the week of the 19th of September.

Many International P2P Bitcoin Markets Witnessed a Significant Spike in Volume During the Week of the 19th of September

Localbitcoins Trading Volume Sets New Global All-Time High

Malaysia’s Localbitcoins markets established a new all-time high for trading volume last fortnight. Approximately 5.27 million ringgit worth of bitcoin was traded on Localbitcoins during the week of September 19th – a more than 25 percent increase over the preceding week’s record volume of 3.6 million ringgit. Thailand also broke its previous P2P weekly volume record by 25 percent during the same week, establishing a new all-time high of approximately 29.5 million baht.

The United Arab Emirates witnessed a dramatic spike in Localbitcoins trade volume, breaking its preceding weekly all-time high of approximately 1 million dirhams by nearly 36 percent to set a record of 1.59 million dirhams. New Zealand-based weekly P2P bitcoin trading also shot up by over 50% during the week of the 19th of September, setting a new high of 1.3 million NZD.

India and Pakistan set weekly P2P volume highs during September, with India setting a new all-time high of almost 70 million Indian rupees in trade last week. The record comprises the second consecutive weekly all-time high to be set by the Indian Localbitcoins markets. Pakistan set a new record of 47.5 million Pakistani rupees in trade during the week of the 9th of September and has witnessed strong volume throughout the month since.

P2P Bitcoin Trading and the Total Bitcoin Market Capitalization Show Signs of Divergence

The total bitcoin market capitalization and global P2P bitcoin trading volume are showing signs of divergence during September, following numerous months of relative correlation. This divergence likely signifies that much of the spike in volume across international P2P bitcoin markets can be attributed to traders based outside of China withdrawing capital from China’s cryptocurrency exchanges.

Localbitcoins Trading Volume Sets New Global All-Time High

Venezuela’s Localbitcoins trading volume has also set numerous all-time highs for trade volume in recent months, signifying an intensification of the country’s hyperinflation crisis which has seen the Bolivar lose more than 77% of its value in the last decade. In an interview with CNBC, Daniel Osorio of Andean Capital Advisors recently described Venezuela’s monetary crisis as “potentially [driving] the first bitcoinization of a sovereign state… out of necessity.”

Do you think that China’s crackdown is largely responsible for the international spike in localbitcoins trading volume? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

Images courtesy of Shutterstock, Coindance, Localbitcoins

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Original article and pictures take bitcoinlove.xyz site

пятница, 6 октября 2017 г.

Litecoin is gunning for $300

Litecoin is gunning for $300

Litecoin, the sixth largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, was gunning for $300 a coin on Saturday after weeks of declines.

The coin was trading at $283 at the time of writing, according to data from Markets Insider. That’s up more than 16% against the US dollar.

Also Read: As Bitcoin Rebounds, Beware of the Crash!

The digital currency fell below $300 after its founder Charlie Lee, a former director at cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase, said he would sell all of his holdings to avoid conflicts of interest.

“Litecoin has been very good for me financially, so I am well off enough that I no longer need to tie my financial success to Litecoin’s success,” Lee said in a Reddit post.

It fell from around $320 on December 20 to $210 just two days later as rumors swirled the interwebs around Lee’s intentions in selling off his coins.


Some cryptocurrency watchers said the move indicated that Lee had lost faith in the digital currency, while others said he was swapping his litecoin for positions into other digital currencies.

Saturday’s gains represent one of its biggest rallies since Lee said he would sell his holdings.

It also follows another surprising announcement by Lee. He took to Twitter on December 30 to say he would “need to step away” from litecoin for it to thrive.

“Seeing how people lost trust because I sold makes me more convinced that it was the right move,” he said. “Litecoin was too centralized and dependent on me. Eventually, for Litecoin to succeed, I need to step away.”

He said he would wait until it returns to all-time highs before stepping aside. Litecoin peaked above $380 a day before Lee said he would sell his holdings. Lee created the digital currency in 2011.

Litecoin and bitcoin, given the similarities between their technological underpinnings, are often called the silver and gold of the cryptocurrency world.

Original article and pictures take www.24cryptoroom.com site

среда, 4 октября 2017 г.

Litecoin Crypto Currency T-shirt

Litecoin Crypto Currency T-shirt
Litecoin Crypto Currency T-shirt

A Simple yet refined look for any crypto obsessed cryptocurrency enthusiast, and Litecoin fanatics alike.

Style: Casual

Sleeve Length(cm): Short

Material: Cotton

Collar: O-Neck

Pattern Type: Print

Fabric Type: Broadcloth

Tops Type: Tees

Gender: Men

Sleeve Style: Regular

Colour: 11 Colour


Length: Regular

Original article and pictures take cdn.shopify.com site

вторник, 3 октября 2017 г.

L'échange DMM Bitcoin du Japon s'ouvre pour les affaires avec 7 Cryptocurrencies

L'échange DMM Bitcoin du Japon s'ouvre pour les affaires avec 7 Cryptocurrencies

Le géant japonais du commerce électronique et du divertissement, DMM Group, a lancé son système d'échange crypto, prenant en charge 7 crypto-monnaies et 14 paires de transactions. Le groupe se prépare également à lancer un autre échange de crypto au printemps destiné aux investisseurs inexpérimentés.

Lancement de l'échange de chiffrement de DMM


Le conglomérat Internet et de divertissement japonais DMM Group a lancé un échange de crypto-monnaie sous la marque DMM Bitcoin. La plateforme a commencé à se négocier le jeudi 11 janvier.

Pour commémorer l'ouverture officielle, l'échange donne 1 000 yens (~ $ US9) à tous les clients qui ouvrent un nouveau compte pendant la période de campagne entre le 11 janvier et le 11 mars.

Matériel promotionnel DMM Bitcoin.

Les clients peuvent échanger sur leur PC ou utiliser une application Android ou iOS. La plate-forme supporte bitcoin (BTC), litecoin (LTC), éther (ETH), ethereum classique (ETC), nem (XEM), bitcoin cash (BCH), et ondulation (XRP). Quatorze paires de devises sont disponibles à la vente. En plus des 7 pièces de monnaie échangées contre yen, 7 paires de négociation crypto-crypto sont offertes; ils sont ETH / BTC, ETC / ETH, XEM / BTC, XRP / BTC, LTC / BTC, ETC / BTC et BCH / BTC.


Selon l'annonce de DMM, la bourse utilise une plate-forme de négociation fournie par Simplex Inc. appelée «Simplex Cryptocurrency». Cette plate-forme offre des outils de négociation pour les investisseurs généraux, les systèmes de gestion d'entreprise et un système de négociation.


Simplex fournit des systèmes de négociation de titres et de devises aux principales banques et sociétés de services financiers telles que SBI Holdings, GMO Group, Nomura Securities, Matsui Securities, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Mizuho Bank et Money Partners Group. La société a récemment commencé à offrir un système de négociation crypto-monnaie et DMM Group est son premier client pour le nouveau service.

L'échange d'un autre DMM bientôt

En outre, une filiale de DMM Group lance un nouvel échange de crypto-monnaie. Next Currency Inc a annoncé plus tôt cette semaine qu'elle avait déposé auprès de l'autorité financière japonaise l'enregistrement d'une nouvelle bourse appelée Cointap.


"Cointap est un service qui vous permet d'acheter et de vendre facilement des monnaies virtuelles à partir de smartphones", a ajouté "mieux adapté pour ceux qui veulent lancer des transactions en monnaie virtuelle telles que les bitcoins". En outre, l'entreprise affirme:

Depuis lors, les échanges de devises virtuelles sont centrés sur les services destinés aux personnes ayant une connaissance et une expérience d'investissement de la monnaie virtuelle, ils sont à la mode mais difficiles à comprendre et difficiles à utiliser.

Citant qu'il y a beaucoup d'investisseurs inexpérimentés qui ne savent pas comment acheter ou vendre, la filiale DMM a expliqué que Cointap sera adapté aux investisseurs entrant sur le marché pour la première fois.

Que pensez-vous de DMM Bitcoin Exchange et Cointap? Faites-nous savoir dans la section commentaires ci-dessous.

Original article and pictures take www.itech-pro.com site