понедельник, 31 июля 2017 г.

Getting Started with Bitcoin – Cryptocurrency For Beginners

Getting Started with Bitcoin – Cryptocurrency For Beginners

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So after all the hype and many annoying friends gently trying to persuade me to get onto the cryptocurrency train, we decided to take a swing at it and hopefully I shall try to explain here how to get started. We have only invested a small amount, which we hope to grow and use towards our round-the-world trip. In this post I’ve suggested some companies to use, but it’s always a good plan to research your own and make sure you get what you are looking for.

I’m not going to explain the ins and outs of cryptocurrency, rather give the steps you need to take to get in the game.

Step 1 – Get a Wallet

What’s a wallet? Just a digital version of your standard cash wallet, used to hold your digital money securely in one place. There are many out there, all with different fees and that deal with different currencies. A friend recommended Coinbase to us, Coinbase trade in the famous Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum (ETH), and Litecoin (LTC), so that’s what we went for (they have an app on both Android and iPhone).

Whichever wallet you choose, we advise putting a number lock on them when dealing with your money on there. If you choose Coinbase, to register you can click here (this is a referral link, that allows you to gain an extra $10/£7 bitcoin for free if you deposit $100). Once you’ve completed your account details, you need to go through the verification process.

Step 2 – Verify Your Account

The verification process can take a while. It requires photos of either your driving licence front and back or your passport, we opted for the driving licence. This is the point that you have to add your card details, then when your photos have been verified you are ready to go.

Step 3 – Add Funds to Your Wallet

In the wallet app, if you are using Coinbase, click “Buy” and choose the currency you want to purchase. Buy and sell options come up, click “Buy”, enter the amount you want to deposit, you will then see the equivalent amount in your chosen currency. Click “Next”. Here you can see the fees that will be charged, remember, these fees are taken off the total deposit you have entered, they’re not added on top of it. If you’re happy with the amount, click “Confirm buy”.

Congratulations, you now own Cryptocurrency!

Step 4 – Is Variety the Spice of Life?

You can just use the wallet if these are the currencies you would like to invest in, but if you would like to invest in a wider variety of currencies you will need to register for a broker. What’s a broker? It’s similar to an airport currency exchange office. You give them your money in one currency, and they transfer it to another at the current set rate – they also charge a fee for the privilege. There are, again many different brokers with many different pros and cons so it is worth researching this further to find the right one for you. We opted for one that has cheaper fees and some good reviews, called Binance.

Step 5 (optional) – Register for a Broker

If you’re going to use a broker, choose one and go through the registration process, which presumably is pretty similar for most of them. When it came to Binance, registering was trickier than the wallet registration. Click here for our referral link to Binance. You will need to enter your email address and have a secure password, you then verify this on your received email.

The next part is where it’s a little complicated. You will need to download and register for the Google Authenticator app (registration is pretty simple). This app gives you a code to input after you log in to Binance, to confirm your identity. We advise putting the Google Authenticator on another device, as the login load process tends to take longer than the authenticator code timer – so by the time you’ve managed to login, the code has often expired.

There are different levels of identity authentication to deal with different amounts of money deposits. This involves taking photos of yourself with a driving licence or other form of identification.

Step 6 – Deposit Funds to Your Broker

You can then use the funds option on Binance to deposit your funds that will be from your wallet. Just make sure you don’t do what we did and use a currency that the broker doesn’t deal in! We chose Litecoin first and had to change to Bitcoin and got more fees for the mistake. On the broker app, after doing some research, select the currency you would like to invest in, for example NEO or APPC and they will give you a “deposit address” which is a lot of digits that you can copy. Once you have this, you go back to your wallet (Coinbase), go to the send option and put the amount, and paste the address that you just copied (do not get this address wrong or you can lose the money you are trying to send). Click send then boooooom! Like us you can buy, buy, buy and sell, sell, sell.

Final Advice

One big piece of advice when dealing with cryptocurrency would be… before you invest, go in with a plan of how much you would like to invest into which currency and mainly when you will sell. Decide at what price to sell your coins and stick to it, don’t get caught umming and ahhing when the time comes. And lastly, only ever invest what you can afford to lose, as remember cryptocurrency can be very volatile and you may lose everything you put in. Good luck!

Original article and pictures take quirkyrambler.com site

четверг, 27 июля 2017 г.

Facebook CAN Be Fixed

Facebook CAN Be Fixed
Zuck wondering how to convert FB data to Universal Basic Income. Credit: youthvillage

Wow, John, your ‘Facebook is broken’ article has certainly stirred up an interesting cornucopia of responses. What I appreciated most was your acknowledgement that Facebook is simply too large an ecosystem for one simple fix — that’s true of most of the challenges the planet faces right now.

Finding Facebook’s systemic issue will not be easy. One way to do this is for Zuck to explore the interconnectedness of every actor in his ecosystem and how Facebook’s (and every institutional) design doesn’t cater well for all players. This systems thinking approach is beautifully described in the Q&A section of this enlightening talk (Q&A starts at 42:10):

What I find interesting in Zuck’s post is his focus on centralisation vs decentralisation, encryption and cryptocurrency (fully one third of his post). He’s a smart guy, and my guess is he’s wondering how and why FB could lead the charge in the rapidly rising decentralisation movement. Anne McCrossan and Jonathan Bean hinted at this in their comments to your article.

With that said, may I suggest a third scenario for FB to explore?

How Facebook could lead the charge toward governance by data

Governance and social contracts (the way in which we engage with each other and with institutions) are some of the most ancient conundrums of humankind and numerous examples exist proving that we are far from solving how we peacefully coexist as passengers on this planet. One method which has never been attempted (because technology has not yet allowed us to do so) is to apply data-driven, scientific method, trial and error to governance. Zuck himself has hinted at this:

Rumours have swirled that Zuck has presidential ambitions, but I think he has ambitions far grander — a vision of governance by data. For this to work, he will have to:

Easy? Absolutely not.

Achievable? Yes.

Successfully transitioning Facebook to a fully decentralised platform AND a token-based UBI would certainly position Zuck well for prime nomination as Person of the Century. The billion dollar question is whether he will have the balls to do so. He really doesn’t have a choice if he wants Facebook to be relevant 10 years from today.

Original article and pictures take cdn-images-1.medium.com site

среда, 26 июля 2017 г.

Explaining ACChain Lynette Zang Crypto Currency and The Mark of the Beast

Explaining ACChain Lynette Zang Crypto Currency and The Mark of the Beast

In the last few weeks major events have unfolded around crypto currencies that clearly show that we are on our way to a New World Order One World Currency… and its digital. Some are saying that this is the Mark of the Beast System.

Signs include plans of the IMF to use a vehicle called the SDR that will be pegged to a digital currency using the ACChain quantum computing platform. If you don’t understand what any of this means, that’s ok! This show is meant for beginners to the world of crypto currency. Tivon and Naima do a full breakdown explaining definitions and terms from top to bottom in a way we hope an average person can understand.

Covered in this show:

Reviews of Terms like:

Crypto Currency


Gold Standard


256 Bit Encryption


Quantum Computing

Quantum Entanglement



Also included is a review of other commentary from youtubers like:

Andy Hoffman, SGT Report, Rogue Money, Face Like the Sun, Greg Hunter

We give a full run down summary of what Lynette Zang was addressing in her breaking video that caused quite a stir in the world of youtube financial talking heads.

We dissect the creepy illuminati like symbolism in the promotional videos of ACChain… they are not hiding the fact that they plan to take over the word currencies.

Also we cover China buying land in America turning it into digital currency and the prohibiting American citizens from purchasing it.

Towards the end we round out the show with some interesting spiritual aspects that may add deeper meaning to these events, such as “The Mark of the Beast” fallen angel financial systems and gold alchemy.

All links from the show can be found here:


Original article and pictures take s.ytimg.com site

понедельник, 24 июля 2017 г.

пятница, 21 июля 2017 г.

Ethearnal Launches ICO 2.0 #DAICO for a Trustless, Smart Contract Based P2P Freelance System

Ethearnal Launches ICO 2.0 #DAICO for a Trustless, Smart Contract Based P2P Freelance System
Ethearnal has decided to put up its Initial Coin Offering (ICO) to provide investors an opportunity to monetize and benefit from a full-fledged P2P freelance system. The company is planning to launch the ICO 2.0 offering in January 2018.Ethearnal is a peer-to-peer freelance platform developed with the aim to serve as a bridge between businesses and skilled individuals. It is a holistic, secured platform where all parties can engage with each other, gauge competencies, and enter into a client-freelancer relationship to achieve a mutually agreed upon result. Disputes are settled fairly through a decentralized arbitrage system where a pool of independent moderators resolve issues through voting.

“Ethearnal has the potential to revolutionize the way freelancing systems work. Thanks to Ethereum smart contracts, both employers and freelancers can have peace of mind that their investment, be it money, time, or, effort, is safe and secure. That’s the beauty of working using blockchain technology – you incur lower trading costs and have a trail of transactions on public record,” says Stanislav Uzunchev, Co-Founder of Ethearnal.

What makes Ethearnal unique are Ethearnal Reputation Tokens (ERTs). The company has managed to create a framework that tokenizes reputation for businesses, freelancers, and even moderators. The rule of thumb is that the more ERTs you have, the higher your visibility will be in the network.

“The secret behind the high effectiveness of our reputation system is that ERTs are worth real money. The owner can buy, sell, transfer, or trade them in any way they wish. Creators decide how much reputation or ERTs each party must put at stake. It’s only natural that bigger projects will require a larger amount of ERTs, ensuring that only serious and capable people participate in them,” said Vladimir Vladimirov, Co-Founder of Ethearnal, while explaining the USP of the Ethereum-based freelance model.

Ethearnal levels the playing field for small investors and ensures equal investment opportunities through a dynamic ICO cap that increases by the passing hour. Investors will have complete control over their investment, empowering them to continue or terminate the project at any stage to get a refund for their investment.

When asked about the future game plan for Ethearnal, Vladimir said, “By the start of Q2 of 2018, we will have our decentralized system online for moderating and curating records, followed by the release production network and software. By the end of 2018, we will launch Ethearnal iOS and Android apps. Also, our team is working on a number of technologies to fine-tune and innovate the system, which are planned for 2019.”

About Ethearnal

A seamless peer-to-peer freelance system designed to connect freelancers and employers, Ethearnal enables businesses to hire skilled and talented individuals to work on their projects in a well-organized and secure manner. Ethearnal utilizes the optimal functionality of trustless smart contracts, a decentralized arbitrage system, and a well-thought-out tokenized reputation management framework to enable everyone involved to keep their end of the bargain. With employers, freelancers, and moderators all having ERTs at stake, every party strives to deliver on their promises.

Learn more about Ethearnal’s ICO at https://ethearnal.com/

Media Contact

Company Name: Ethearnal
Contact Person: Stanislav Uzunchev
Email: support@ethearnal.com
Location: Kowloon, Hong Kong

Original article and pictures take 99altcoin.com site

среда, 19 июля 2017 г.

Emirates NBD Bank Begins Crackdown on Cryptocurrency Transactions

Emirates NBD Bank Begins Crackdown on Cryptocurrency Transactions

It is no secret most banks do not like cryptocurrencies in the slightest. Various financial institutions effectively prevent their customers from buying cryptocurrencies. It now seems the Emirates NBD bank in Dubai has joined this rather sad list of institutions. As of this week, the institution will no longer process Bitcoin-related transfers, both for buying and selling cryptocurrency. It is an unfortunate incident which also affects local BitOasis exchange.

Quite a few banks have halted Bitcoin-related transactions over the years. In most cases, these are individual decisions, rather than orders from the local central bank. Such decisions often create a lot of friction. More specifically, banks have a tendency of not warning customers in advance regarding such changes. No one wants to find out such changes have been introduced after they fail to send or receive money.

Emirates NBD Will Reject Suspicious Bitcoin Transactions

In the case of Emirates NBD, the decision takes a lot of people by surprise. For some unknown reason, the bank recently changed their policy. As a result, Emirates NBD will no longer process Bitcoin-related transactions on behalf of customers. This is not related to a specific trading platform, but a general rule of thumb. Not a positive development for the cryptocurrency ecosystem in Dubai, that much is evident. Unfortunately, it seems this decision also affects international transfers.

BitOasis comments on this situation as follows:

“It is unfortunate to see one of the UAE’s major financial institutions taking such a position on products built using this innovative and much in demand technology,” the statement added. “We continue to actively build strong relationships with other leading financial institutions as well as regulators in the UAE, with the aim of fostering an environment more conducive to blockchain technology adoption.”

It is unclear what the future holds for cryptocurrency in Dubai. We do know Emirates NBD has no plans to revise their policy again in the future. The bank doesn’t prevent users from undertaking such transactions, but they may reject specific suspicious transactions regardless. It seems this will apply to virtually all transactions which can be linked to cryptocurrency trading platforms. This development shows we direly need more decentralized trading solutions for fiat currency. Developing such tools will not be easy, though.

Original article and pictures take 99altcoin.com site

DIY Steel Mining Frame For 6 GPU Mining Crypto-currency Mining Rigs

DIY Steel Mining Frame For 6 GPU Mining Crypto-currency Mining Rigs
DIY Steel Mining Frame For 6 GPU Mining Crypto-currency Mining Rigs
Larger view


Mining case is designed for 6 GPU building professional crypto-currency mining rigs.

Note: the price is just for one Mining case,some picture have several case.


Material: Cold rolled steel sheet

Color: Black

Size: 47x26.3x13cm


100% brand new and high quality

Drawer style Card Video Case, all screws and nuts included, plug and play.

Provides screws for DIY installing which is easy

Supports 6 video cards(Not included)

Perfect for mounting your mining 6 GPU next to your existing desktop.


Video cards / USB risers not included.

You will receive the frame disassemble,you need to assemble it by yourself,

thanks for understanding.

Package included:

1 x Mining Rig Frame Case For 6 GPU

DIY Steel Mining Frame For 6 GPU Mining Crypto-currency Mining Rigs

DIY Steel Mining Frame For 6 GPU Mining Crypto-currency Mining Rigs

DIY Steel Mining Frame For 6 GPU Mining Crypto-currency Mining Rigs

DIY Steel Mining Frame For 6 GPU Mining Crypto-currency Mining Rigs

DIY Steel Mining Frame For 6 GPU Mining Crypto-currency Mining Rigs

DIY Steel Mining Frame For 6 GPU Mining Crypto-currency Mining Rigs

DIY Steel Mining Frame For 6 GPU Mining Crypto-currency Mining Rigs

DIY Steel Mining Frame For 6 GPU Mining Crypto-currency Mining Rigs

Original article and pictures take www.banggood.com site

понедельник, 17 июля 2017 г.

DIY Mining Frame Rig Case Mining Frame For 6-8 GPU Mining Crypto Currency Rigs Miner Without Fan

DIY Mining Frame Rig Case Mining Frame For 6-8 GPU Mining Crypto Currency Rigs Miner Without Fan
DIY Mining Frame Rig Case Mining Frame For 6-8 GPU Mining Crypto Currency Rigs Miner Without Fan
Larger view


Mining case is designed for 6-8 GPU crypto-currency mining rigs.

Name:Mining Frame Case

Material:Galvanized steel




Support ATX motherboard, dual ATX power supply

Support for SSD installation, CPU cooler height within 95MM

Graphics between the large space, good heat dissipation

Provides screws for DIY installing which is easy

Supports 6-8 video cards,4fan bits(not included)

Perfect for mounting your mining 6-8 GPU next to your existing desktop.


Video cards / USB risers not included.

You will receive the frame disassemble,you need to assemble it by yourself,

thanks for understanding.

Package included:

1 Set Mining Rig Frame Case For 6-8 GPU

More details:

DIY Mining Frame Rig Case Mining Frame For 6-8 GPU Mining Crypto Currency Rigs Miner Without Fan

DIY Mining Frame Rig Case Mining Frame For 6-8 GPU Mining Crypto Currency Rigs Miner Without Fan

DIY Mining Frame Rig Case Mining Frame For 6-8 GPU Mining Crypto Currency Rigs Miner Without Fan

DIY Mining Frame Rig Case Mining Frame For 6-8 GPU Mining Crypto Currency Rigs Miner Without Fan

DIY Mining Frame Rig Case Mining Frame For 6-8 GPU Mining Crypto Currency Rigs Miner Without Fan

Original article and pictures take www.banggood.com site

пятница, 14 июля 2017 г.

Digital currency pays users to walk

Digital currency pays users to walk
Tokyo street crossing with many people walking
Japan is one of four nations which include the UK where Bitwalking will be initially launched

A digital crypto-currency has launched that is generated by human movement.

Bitwalking dollars will be earned by walking, unlike other digital currencies such as Bitcoins that are "mined" by computers.

A phone application counts and verifies users' steps, with walkers earning approximately 1 BW$ for about 10,000 steps (about five miles).

Initially, users will be given the chance to spend what they earn in an online store, or trade them for cash.

The founders of the project, Nissan Bahar and Franky Imbesi have attracted more than $10m (£6.6m) of initial funding from mainly Japanese investors to help launch the currency and create the bank that verifies steps and any transfers.

Robots made by Murata which will also make a wristband that will verify users' steps

Japanese electronics giant Murata is working on a wearable wristband that will provide an alternative to carrying a smartphone and show how many BW$ the wearer has earned.

Shoe manufacturers are poised to accept the currency, and a UK high street bank is in talks to partner with the project at one of the UK's biggest music festivals next year.

The founders have a track record in disruptive technology that could help developing nations as much as richer ones.

Last year they launched Keepod, a $7 USB stick that acts like a computer in Nairobi, Kenya.

The Keepod $7 USB stick that acts like a computer is now in 87 countries.

Fitness boost

The idea of Bitwalking is to take advantage of the trend for fitness trackers by offering an additional incentive to keep fit.

The global scheme plans to partner with sportswear brands, health services, health insurance firms, environmental groups, and potentially advertisers who could be offered unique insights into the audiences they are targeting.

In the future, employers may be invited to take part in a scheme that would be offered to their employees to encourage them to stay fitter, with the currency they earn converted and then paid alongside their salaries.

In developed nations the average person would earn around 15 BW$ a month, but it is hoped that in poorer countries where people have to walk further for work, school, or simply to collect water, the Bitwalking scheme could help transform lives.

Malawi and Kenya are the first two African nations included in the Bitwalking project at launch

Double income

Salim Adam walks around six miles (10km) a day to work as an IT teacher at his local college in Mthuntama in northern Malawi.

He has worked out that he can earn 26 BW$ a month just by having the app running on his mobile phone. His current salary is the equivalent of $26 USD.

The impact Bitwalking could make in developing countries isn't lost on the founders. It is one of the central reasons for creating the currency. In Malawi, one of the African nations to join at the launch of the project, the average rural wage is just US$1.5 (£1) a day.

Business advisor, Karen Chinkwita runs Jubilee Enterprises, giving business guidance to young people in Lilongwe. She said: "There may be a temptation for some to walk instead of work.

"But most people want to earn more money and will do both. With some education we can teach them how to use that money to create even more opportunities."

The Bitwalking manager for Malawi, Carl Meyer, has set up the first two Bitwalking hubs in Lilongwe and Mthuntama where local people will be trained how to trade the BW$ online for US$ or the local currency, Malawi Kwacha.

Eventually an automatic online exchange is planned that will match up buyers with sellers and a rough exchange rate will begin to emerge.

The Go! app for iOS and Android devices will initially be offered to a handful of countries, including the UK, Japan, Malawi, and Kenya, to give the organisers a chance to iron out any difficulties before other countries come on board.

The Bitwalking app shows the steps taken and how much the user has earned

Faking it

The idea isn't completely new. Several start-ups have tried to connect keeping fit to earning rewards but most have failed to measure movement accurately enough to avoid scammers.

Bitwalking hasn't officially released the algorithm used to verify steps but says it uses the handsets' GPS position and wi-fi connections to calculate the distance travelled.

The team has created its own walking algorithm to verify users' workouts after testing Google's and finding that steps could be spoofed.

The phone reports the speed and type of movement as measured by the accelerometer.

At its launch the total amount someone can claim in one day will be capped at around 3 BW$ (roughly 30,000 steps) and running multiple accounts will be banned.


The success of the scheme is likely to depend on how much interest there is from established companies such as big sportswear brands, health insurance firms, or charity and environmental groups all of whom have an incentive to work with the fitness sector.

In Japan, it is not unusual for firms to offer employees rewards for fitness activities. Bitwalking's founders hope their project could help extend this idea to other nations.

The country's largest convenience chain store, Lawson, runs a successful scheme that pays its workers up to $50 a year to eat healthily and keep fit.

Gold card: Lawson's 'Ponta' card rewards staff for staying fit with cash to spend in store

But the Lawson scheme is based on promises and trust, so unlike Bitwalking it is not verifiable. The vouchers earned cannot be traded for cash.

Despite the freedom to trade, it is likely that unless BW$ can be freely used to buy goods and services they are likely to drop in value from parity with the US$ - the point where the founders are launching it.

The online store will sell goods for the same price in BW$ as US$.

Keeping the virtual shelves of this online store fully stocked will be one of the first challenges.

The shop isn't expected to be open all the time, but plans are in place for other retailers and service providers to accept the currency in their stores too.

The online marketplace where users can spend what they earn on goods.

It is still not clear how a currency that appears to be so easy for users to produce could maintain its value, nor if the initial funding for the scheme will be sufficient to sustain it in the initial period while confidence in its value is being built up.

The Bitwalking website will invite people to apply to join the scheme so the company has some control over user numbers.

Privacy steps

Because the new scheme necessarily tracks its users there will be data available that could be particularly valuable to advertisers - and accompanying concerns over privacy.

"That won't be for sale," says co-founder Nissan Bahar.

"We may explore offering advertisers the opportunity to focus on different groups depending on how active they are, but we won't pass on any information relating to individual's movements."

The Bitwalking founders are interviewed for the BBC Click television show

Transfers of the new currency will also be carefully monitored with transactions going through a central 'bank' which verifies each deal using the block chain method used to transfer other crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin.

Users will have access to their own wallet which stores the dollars they've earned and will be able to transfer them to others via the app.

"It's a currency that can be earned by anyone regardless of who they are and where they live," says Franky Imbesi.

"For some it will be a free cup of coffee a week perhaps offered by local businesses to encourage people to explore their local shops. For others it could be a game changer, transforming their lives by enabling them to earn and trade in the same way with the rest of the world.

"And all while encouraging us to protect the planet and stay healthy."

Original article and pictures take static.bbci.co.uk site

четверг, 13 июля 2017 г.

Details about Bitcoin Let It Rain Coffee Mug Cup Crypto Currency Cryptocurrency Funny BCH

Details about Bitcoin Let It Rain Coffee Mug Cup Crypto Currency Cryptocurrency Funny BCH

Start your day with this Bitcoin Let It Rain coffee mug. The phrase is on the front and back of the mug. Having the image on both sides makes the mug suitable for left handed or right handed people.


Qty: 1 Mug

Mug Type: Ceramic

Size: 11 fl. oz

Finish: Glossy

Gift Box: No

Images are printed with professional sublimation ink. The image is then heat transferred to the mug sealing in the design. Sublimated mug images do not peel or crack like vinyl images do. These mugs are dishwasher and microwave safe, however hand washing is recommended.

Original article and pictures take www.ebay.com site

вторник, 11 июля 2017 г.



Learn the one simple underground method derived from sophisticated patterns created by Russian traders to profit immensely from any crpytocurrency - regardless of what's going on in the market.

Just watch this special presentation and you'll learn about this low cost and almost risk free method that is bringing students tremendous results.

This is the only system endorsed by the Cryptocurrency Institute that provides a simple step-by-step solution for any trader or investor to exploit market inefficiencies for an almost guaranteed profit.

It is a comprehensive all inclusive mentorship package that will hold you by the hand to quickly and systematically guide you to making money without the need for hours of research and years of experience.

Original article and pictures take cryptocurrencyinstitute1.blogspot.mx site

пятница, 7 июля 2017 г.

Cryptocurrency online investments. Learn, Discuss, Profit.

Cryptocurrency online investments. Learn, Discuss, Profit.


Bitcoin Fees: The Basics and What You Need To Know

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Bitcoin is a great concept, we know that. It brings many new technologies and opportunities to the table as well as the promise to revolutionize the economy we know today. It has taken the world by surprised and established itself as a serious investment option for both regular speculators and big names in the financial …

Join a growing team of like minded people who want to learn, experiment and profit from the craziness that is cryptocurrency without being caught up in the hype, mania and FUD. Signup to my newsletter now and never miss important news.

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Coins to invest

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Losing all your money is one of the risks that involves using virtual currencies like Bitcoin. Criminal activities, thefts or unsecured transactions are some of the dangers that may be included in the use of virtual currencies such Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, etc. These types of coins function as digital currencies that lack regulation or …

What is a Bitcoin wallet? Bitcoin wallets can be defined as an online Bitcoin account that can be used to make payments around the world anonymously and free of charge. It is a service that allows you to pay with Bitcoins directly and safely either from your computer or mobile phone. So, a Bitcoin wallet …

Bitcoin has always been a controversial topic. From its beginnings as a deep web-based currency (more commonly used by criminals on black markets) to for money laundering (according to the first mention of the currency on deep web-oriented forums). To the current times where states don’t know what to actually to about them, and economists …

Original article and pictures take www.moarcoins.com site

четверг, 6 июля 2017 г.

Cryptocurrency markets are tanking after news of shutdown in South Korea

Cryptocurrency markets are tanking after news of shutdown in South Korea

The market for digital coins was under intense pressure Thursday morning amid reports that South Korea had a bill in the works to ban cryptocurrency trading.

"South Korea's justice minister said on Thursday the ministry is preparing a bill to ban cryptocurrency trading through its exchanges," Reuters reported.

That news was on the heels of a report that authorities were raiding cryptocurrency exchanges in the country.

“A few officials from the National Tax Service raided our office this week,” an representative of Coinone, a South Korean crypto exchange, told Reuters.

According to the Reuters report, South Korean authorities also were looking into Bithumb, another cryptocurrency exchange.

At the time of print, bitcoin was trading down more than 11% at $13,415 a coin, according to data from Markets Insider. In total, the entire cryptocurrency market was down more than $100 billion at $636 billion. It hit an all-time high of $830 billion earlier this month, according to data from CoinMarketCap.

The news of the crackdown follows a Wall Street Journal report Monday that regulators in South Korea were preparing a wide-ranging inspection on six commercial banks that manage "virtual" bitcoin accounts. Virtual accounts, according to The Journal, are where investors can store fiat money when they buy or sell crypto.

“There is growing concern that banks, which should actively act as gatekeepers to prevent the distribution of crime and illegal funds, are aiding and encouraging them,” Choi Jong-ku, head of South Korea’s Financial Services Commission, said.

NOW WATCH: The 5 issues to consider before trading bitcoin futures

Original article and pictures take static-entertainment-eus-s-msn-com.akamaized.net site

среда, 5 июля 2017 г.

Cryptocurrency Markets are Rebounding After a Massive Crash

Cryptocurrency Markets are Rebounding After a Massive Crash

The market for cryptocurrency recovered Wednesday night after selling the last two days.

The digital money market has grown, after at least $ 412 billion, about $ 100 billion. At the time of writing, the total capitalization of the crypto market was about $ 520 billion.

Read More: Prices of Top 20 Cryptocurrencies in January 2018

Just ten days ago, the market for cryptocurrency reached a record high of over $ 830 billion. However, the fear of an offensive against trade in South Korea has put the world of cryptography on the knees. In general, the digital currencies dropped too much of Wednesday and the price of the bitcoin fell to less than $ 9,500, according to Markets Insider.

The currency, which reached approximately $ 20,000 in December, was quoted at $ 18,266 to $ 11,080 per coin. AND.

Marketers see the slowdown as natural. David Duchene, the founder of IOTA’s digital currency, told Business Insider that the correction in the context was not so great.

“At the top, more than 40 individual lands have been estimated north of $ 1 billion, most of which do not have any functional products or even a team,” he said. “Today’s correction can seem catastrophic for newcomers to the scene, but Crypto has gone through this mountain lane countless times, the current market rating is what cryptography was a month ago.”

As for the future of the market, Brad Zastrow, CEO of Dash, told another cryptocurrency, insiders that similar situations could happen in the short term, but solid projects will survive in the long run.

“I do not see any impact on strong projects,” he said. “That they have a differentiated value proposition with a robust control system”.

Original article and pictures take www.payme0.com site

вторник, 4 июля 2017 г.

Cryptocurrency Market Recovers as Bitcoin, Ethereum, et al. Spike 20%

Cryptocurrency Market Recovers as Bitcoin, Ethereum, et al. Spike 20%
Cryptocurrency Market Recovers as Bitcoin, Ethereum, et al. Spike 20%

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After experiencing a 2-day slump during which the price of most cryptocurrencies including bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and Bitcoin Cash declined significantly, the cryptocurrency market has started to recover.

Major Cryptocurrencies Surge in Value

Cryptocurrencies in the top 20 rankings of the global cryptocurrency market have recorded large gains over the past few hours. Ripple in particular demonstrated a staggering 48 percent increase in value, while bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Cardano, and Litecoin have risen in the range of 15 percent to 35 percent.

Although major cryptocurrencies are still down significantly from their all-time highs, bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, and Ripple have all kept their “psychological thresholds.” Bitcoin has rebounded above the $10,000 mark, Ether recovered past $1,000, and Ripple did not decline below the $1 mark.

It is highly unlikely that fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) from the South Korean and Chinese cryptocurrency markets caused the recent correction, given its magnitude and the size of both markets. But, a reasonable explanation is the closure of bitcoin future contracts on January 17, and whales or institutional investors in the traditional finance market dumping cryptocurrencies like bitcoin to cash out their short contracts.

Over the past 12 months, Ripple has surged by 330-fold, Ether by 130-fold, and bitcoin by 19-fold, with minor corrections. It is also possible that the sudden increase of cryptocurrencies without a major drop in value led to a large correction to occur.

Previously, Ethereum creators Vitalik Buterin and Charles Hoskinson questioned the value of most cryptocurrencies in the market, given that tokens without products and users have obtained multi-billion dollar valuations within a short period of time.

With the recent correction in mind, public blockchains and cryptocurrencies within the global market will need to prove their potential and justify their market valuations by obtaining actual active user bases and useful products. Otherwise, even in a bull market like the cryptocurrency market, another major correction is inevitable.

Where Does Bitcoin and Ethereum Go Next?

In late 2017, billionaire investor Mike Novogratz predicted the price of bitcoin to achieve the $40,000 mark and Ether to surpass $1,500. If the cryptocurrency market can recover to its previous levels before January 16, when bitcoin and Ethereum were at $14,000 and $1,300 respectively, the cryptocurrency market would be in a better position to initiate stronger rallies without weak hands and speculators.

Earlier this week, during an interview with QZ, Constantin Papadimitriou, president of Pundi X, stated that the adoption of bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies is rapidly increasing in India despite the government’s crackdown on the market. Consequently, the government has started to reconsider its policies and possibly regulate its cryptocurrency market, although no regulations have been finalized as of yet.

Increasing adoption of cryptocurrencies by large remittance markets like India and the Philippines will allow the global cryptocurrency market and blockchains within it to increase further in value. Major financial institutions such as Japan’s largest bank Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, better known as UFG, and South Korea’s second largest commercial bank Shinhan Bank have also started the development of cryptocurrency exchanges and wallet platforms.

Featured image from Shutterstock.

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