пятница, 28 апреля 2017 г.

Bitcoin icon with world wide web as symbol for crypto currency

Bitcoin icon with world wide web as symbol for crypto currency
Bitcoin icon with world wide web as symbol for crypto currency

kurs massiv napravlieniie nositiel pierienoschik viektor вектор курс массив направление носитель переносчик valiuta валюта birzha obmien obmieniat sia obmienivat sia zamieniat zamienit биржа заменить заменять обмен обмениваться обменяться tiekhnika tiekhnologhiia техника технология bumazhnik бумажник abstraghirovat abstraktnyi abstraktsiia ekstrakt konspiekt riefierat абстрагировать абстрактная абстрактный абстракция конспект реферат экстракт anonimnost анонимность fon fone fonovyi riezhim kontiekst obrazovaniie podghotovka podoplioka priedposylka priedystoriia proiskhozhdieniie zadnii plan задний план контекст образование подготовка подоплёка предпосылка предыстория происхождение фон фоновый фоновый режим bank bankomiot bieriegh otmiel virazh банк банкомёт берег вираж отмель bit kusok svierlo ude udila бит кусок сверло удила bort doska kollieghiia komitiet kommutator palata paniel pravlieniie priedostavliat pansion rukovodstvo sadit sia siest soviet stiend stol stolovat sia tabl tablo борт доска коллегия комитет коммутатор палата панель правление предоставлять пансион руководство садиться сесть совет стенд стол столоваться табло biznies dielo priedpriiatiie rabota zaniatiie бизнес дело занятие предприятие работа fishka monietka zhieton жетон монетка фишка kriptoghrafiia криптография тайнопись dizain ekstier ier kompozitsiia konstruktsiia modiel namierieniie obraziets plan proiekt umysiel uzor vnieshnii vid zamysiel внешний вид дизайн замысел композиция конструкция модель намерение образец план проект узор умысел tsifrovo tsifrovoi цифрово цифровой tsifra цифра khoronit pochva susha zaziemliat ziemlia заземлять земля почва суша хоронить bieriezhlivost ekonomichnost ekonomiia ekonomika ekonomnyi khoziaistvo бережливость хозяйство экономика экономичность экономия экономный eliektronno eliektronnyi электронная электронно электронный finans finansirovat finansy финансировать финансы finansovokhoziaistvienno финансовохозяйственно ghlobus ziemnoi shar глобус земной шар siediet siedoi sieriet sieryi sivyi седеть седой сереть серый сивый idol ikona ikonka kumir идол икона иконка кумир illiustratsiia иллюстрация intierniet интернет inviestitsiia kapitalovlozhieniie vklad вклад инвестиция капиталовложение облечение dien ghi nal nalichnyie деньги нал наличные siet sviazi связи сеть nadiezhdnyi надеждный обеспеченно biezopasnost gharantiia nadiozhnost obiespiechiennost sluzhba biezopasnosti zashchita безопасность гарантия защита надёжность обеспеченность служба безопасности embliema simvol znak знак символ эмблема virtual nyi виртуальный world wide web

Original article and pictures take www2.shutterstock.com site

четверг, 27 апреля 2017 г.

Bitcoin Hardware Startup 21 Hires The Top Bitcoin.org Developers, Opens Education Portal

Bitcoin Hardware Startup 21 Hires The Top Bitcoin.org Developers, Opens Education Portal

21 is a mysterious Bitcoin hardware and mining startup backed by Andreessen Horowitz that unwrapped its first product earlier this year. A few weeks ago, they unveiled and began pre-selling a computer that has native hardware and software support for the Bitcoin protocol.

Co-founder Balaji Srinivasan, who previously started bioinformatics and gene testing company Counsyl, said the vision is akin to how PCs and operating systems like Windows 95 began to include TCP/IP support natively in the 1990s, opening the door for widespread Internet adoption. If machines and phones start having native Bitcoin support, it enables them to support infinitely small transactions off the Bitcoin protocol in exchange for whatever goods and services a person or machine wants. One popular example idea is requiring infinitesimally small payments for e-mail, which would curb spam.

“First, you had the worldwide Internet. Then the social Internet,” Srinivasan said. “Then this is the machine payable Internet.”

It also cuts the barrier to participating or developing with the Bitcoin protocol dramatically. Srinivasan said that there are maybe 1,000 developers worldwide who really know how to work with the protocol.

“There’s a tiny number of Bitcoin wizards, and an enormous number of smart developers that have no on-ramp to Bitcoin,” Srinivasan said. “We need to make that onramp easier.”

Today, after unveiling the first device, 21 has hired Saivann Carignan, David Harding and Will Binns, three of the top contributors to Bitcoin.org. They’re opening an education platform that 21 is using to make software development for the Bitcoin protocol much more accessible and easier to understand. It will cover topics from digital signatures to mining.

That will help developers, who want to use 21’s computer, level up with their software skills.

“Our computer is the easiest way for a developer to get started writing software for Bitcoin,” he said. “You don’t have to spend days downloading the blockchain, which is like going and buying some floppy disks and going through an installation process.”

To expand all of the tutorials, 21 is paying contributors from anywhere in the world a small fee of up to $200 in Bitcoin if they translate or add documentation.

Srinivasan envisions the tutorials as a way of teaching and familiarizing a whole army of Bitcoin developers. “We have the investors or connections to get our chip baked into a line of electronics by default. But we also need enough developer traction over the next year or so.”

Original article and pictures take s0.wp.com site

вторник, 25 апреля 2017 г.

Bitcoin Exchange

Bitcoin Exchange

Among the numerous websites providing Bitcoin exchange services, the positive reputation of CEX.IO makes it worth the trust of the users all over the world. With the customer base of over 1,000,000, the platform can be recognized as the one that can be relied on. Starting your Bitcoin trading on a platform with substantial history, you will benefit from a deep understanding of the market and customers’ needs.

We are constantly working on enhancing the security, ensuring the high level of customer support, and providing our users with new opportunities for trading on the Bitcoin market. CEX.IO is regularly considering the addition of new coins, which was not so long the case with Dash, Zcash, and Bitcoin Cash. Still, every cryptocurrency has to pass a thorough check to be listed. Our due diligence and concerns about the quality of the service yield results. Now, we are moving forward to achieve the status of the best cryptocurrency exchange.

Best Cryptocurrency Exchange: What does It Mean for Us?

For you to be able to recognize a reliable online exchange and sort out those that appear to be too weak, we list several features, paying attention to which would help you to make the right choice.

  1. Service safety and security. It is critical to ensure that your data will not be leaked to any other parties. Thus, the availability of certificates, like the PCI DSS, serves as the proof of service’s safety. Besides, the regulation of exchanges is also important. For example, CEX.IO
    • is officially registered in the UK;
    • has a Money Services Business status in FinCEN;
    • complies with the legal requirements of the countries where it functions.
    In addition, the two-factor authentication, anti-hacker protection, and use of multisignature Bitcoin addresses turn it into a BTC exchange that can be trusted.
  2. Quality of customer support. For the customers, receiving answers to their questions is always an indicator of the quality of work. Making everything possible to ensure fast processing of your inquiries, the customer support at CEX.IO works 24/7. And each member of the support team goes through the carefully designed intensive training to be able to deal with any possible issues. In such a way the platform may often be identified as the most responsive among Bitcoin exchanges.
  3. The availability of options. Many options for trading cryptocurrencies on the exchanges serve as a benefit for the users. In particular, CEX.IO offers trading opportunities for Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold, Ethereum, Zcash, Dash. They can be traded for USD, EUR, GBP, or RUB. Additionally, the variety of payment options, including cards like Visa and Mastercard, as well as wire transfers, contributes to the convenience of the service.
  4. Website interface. User experience on the website is also of importance for the customers. The best Bitcoin exchange will always strive to ensure easy navigation through a simple and clear structure serving for the consistency. Besides, since the launch, we have tried to reduce the amount of steps required for the purchase. Now, some operations can be filled in several clicks only.

BTC Exchange that Meets Your Needs

While looking for a reliable online exchange might be a complicated task, trusting a platform with extensive coverage and positive reputation among its users might save your time. CEX.IO is the Bitcoin trading platform that combines the crucial features: enhanced security, variety of options and high market liquidity. The team applies every effort to make your trading on the platform as convenient and safe as possible.

With CEX.IO, you can always be sure that you will find what you are looking for. Just try the service on your own and ensure that it fits your needs!

Original article and pictures take cex.io site

Bitcoin dips below $10,000

Bitcoin dips below $10,000
Bitcoin came close to crossing $20,000 in December

Bitcoin has traded below $10,000 for the first time since early December.

The value of one bitcoin fell to $9,958 (£7,222) before making a slight recovery, according to a price index run by the news site Coindesk.

However, it later fell again dipping just below $9,200. That represents a drop of more than 53% since it peaked close to $19,800 five weeks ago.

Other crypto-currencies have also experienced steep falls, including Ethereum, Ripple and Bitcoin Cash.

There has been concern among some experts that a bubble had been forming in the market as casual investors piled into an asset they did not fully understand.

Trading restrictions

It is notoriously difficult to be certain of what causes moves in Bitcoin's value - the asset has been much more volatile than most traditional currencies and commodities to date - but speculation that regulators may be about to restrict trade has been causing concern.

In particular, South Korea has suggested that it might soon take action.

"The government stance is that it needs to regulate crypto-currency investment as it is a largely speculative investment," its finance minister Kim Dong-yeon said in a radio interview on Tuesday.

"The shutdown of virtual currency exchanges is still one of the options [that the government has]."

Earlier this week, the Bloomberg news agency reported that the Chinese authorities were planning to restrict local access to crypto-currency trading platforms, having already taken steps to curb Bitcoin mining - the process that validates transactions.

Investors may also have been spooked by Bitconnect's announcement that it was closing down its lending and exchange platform on Tuesday.

The business had centred on its own digital token - the Bitconnect Coin - which crashed in value following the announcement, despite the firm saying it would still be supported.

Bitconnect said it had faced "continuous bad press" - including claims it had been running a Ponzi scheme - and had received cease-and-desist letters from two US watchdogs.

Last Wednesday, the influential investor Warren Buffett predicted further trouble ahead, although he was vague about the timing.

Mr Buffett said he had never made a Bitcoin-related investment on behalf of his Berkshire Hathaway fund

"In terms of crypto-currencies, generally, I can say with almost certainty that they will come to a bad ending," he told CNBC .

"When it happens or how or anything else, I don't know."

However, photography firm Kodak has seen its stock price soar since last Tuesday when it announced its involvement with two crypto-currency-related ventures.

Original article and pictures take static.bbci.co.uk site

пятница, 21 апреля 2017 г.

Bitcoin Crypto Currency - For the Bitcoin fans! Silver Plated Necklace

Bitcoin Crypto Currency - For the Bitcoin fans! Silver Plated Necklace
Bitcoin Crypto Currency - For the Bitcoin fans! Silver Plated Necklace

Keep your favorite image, design, or words of inspiration close your heart with this beautiful, custom made, sterling silver necklace. Choose from a number of options like size, style, and color for the perfect accessory or a heartfelt present. The necklace arrives in a special black felt bag that is perfect for gifting.

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  • Lobster-claw clasp closing
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Original article and pictures take www.zazzle.com site

четверг, 20 апреля 2017 г.

Bitcoin Continues to Beat Gold

Bitcoin Continues to Beat Gold
Bitcoin Continues to Beat Gold

Bitcoin Continues to Beat Gold

Cryptocurrency has been an extremely fruitful market for many investors in the space. One of the best of those coins continues to be the one with the highest market capitalization known as bitcoin.

Bitcoin has had an incredible rally this year, and when compared to gold, it continues to beat it out.

This year represents the second year in a row that bitcoin has beat out gold on the Wall Street market, and it doesn’t look like it is slowing down anytime soon. Many continue to ask the question of whether or not bitcoin is a solid investment, and that remains quite a tricky question to answer.

Since bitcoin has been around for such a small amount of time relatively, so many investors do not know how to fully read the space, but the coin has proven to be quite similar in terms of chart patterns, to most other assets.

Professor Geoffrey Smith at the Carey School of Business at Arizona State University stated that “bitcoin has many advantages over government currencies, not the least of which is that its supply is fixed. Thus, its purchasing power cannot be diminished by ‘currency printing’ by governments. See Venezuela and their inflation, for example. Anonymity is also an advantage. The blockchain technology also provides perfect record keeping which eliminates mistakes and the opportunity for fraud and theft.”

The professor further stated that “Bitcoin is also an international currency, which can be used to facilitate international trade. It may also be very useful in low-trust countries with high levels of corruption where the banking system and legal system protections are not very strong. It remains to be seen, however, if it is useful as a currency due to the high volatility. Yet the number of Bitcoin transactions seems to be increasing every day.”

ALSO READ: Gold Vs. Bitcoin: Who You Got?

Source: https://typeboard.com


Original article and pictures take bitcoinprofitmachine.blogspot.com site

понедельник, 17 апреля 2017 г.

Bitcoin conference dragged for pulling bitcoin transactions for tickets

Bitcoin conference dragged for pulling bitcoin transactions for tickets

The irony of a conference dedicated to all things cryptocurrency that’s unable to accept bitcoin payments for conference tickets is glaring.

On the North American Bitcoin Conference ticketing page — where last minute tickets are $1,000 USD for the Jan. 18-19 event in Miami — an explanation for the “no cryptocurrency” policy cites “network congestion and manual processing.”

SEE ALSO: Here’s what you need to know before you buy bitcoin

To be fair, processing fees are high for bitcoin. The price fluctuates, but it’s gone up in recent months, reaching an average as high as $55. This week it’s closer to $30. As Bitcoin.com reported, a growing list of merchants is pulling back from bitcoin payments. It’s not a quick and easy transaction system.

Also, bitcoin — no matter how hard we try — is not a transaction coin. It’s more about its stored value. Instead of treating it like dollar bills in a virtual wallet, it needs to be viewed more as an asset — something you wouldn’t pull out for any old purchase.

Still, the optics aren’t good on this, and show the limitations bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies face to become more mainstream. Cue the “not the Onion” jabs and bubble-bursting predictions.

NOT THE ONION: Miami Bitcoin Conference Stops Accepting Bitcoin Due to Fees and Congestion https://t.co/jmF5g9qfne

— Quoth the Raven (@QTRResearch) January 10, 2018

Wake up and read the signs people, #Bitcoin Segwit ($BTC) has lost its utility, its own conference will not accept as payment; get out while you're ahead $BTCUSD https://t.co/umrH1ftClz

— gonzobreakout (@gonzobreakout) January 10, 2018

Yes we’re doing so well when even the most renowned Bitcoin conference can’t accept Bitcoin anymore because of high fees

— Graham (@g_r_a_h_a_m_p) January 10, 2018

Due to network congestion and manual processing, we have closed ticket payments using Cryptocurrencies — Hopefully, next year there will be more unity in the community about scaling and global adoption becomes reality.

We have, and always will, accept cryptocurrencies for our conferences, up to fourteen days before the event. However, due to the manual inputting of data in our ticketing platforms when paid in cryptocurrencies, we decided to shut down bitcoin payments for last minute sales due to print deadlines.

Original article and pictures take kursat.org site

пятница, 14 апреля 2017 г.

Bitcoin Card, Valentines Day Card, Yoda, HODL, Valentine Card, Star Wars, Bitcoin Gifts, Crypto Currency, Valentine Card Him, Valentine Card

Bitcoin Card, Valentines Day Card, Yoda, HODL, Valentine Card, Star Wars, Bitcoin Gifts, Crypto Currency, Valentine Card Him, Valentine Card


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Original article and pictures take www.etsy.com site

среда, 12 апреля 2017 г.

Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency

Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency
Chase, Bank of America, and Citigroup All Ban Cryptocurrency Purchases on Credit Cards

Beware: Criminals Are Sending Extremely Well-Written Fraudulent Emails Related To ICOs And...

Cardano (ADA) Daily Analysis, February 4, 2018: Trades Inside Range

Score a touchdown! Buy the dip! Justbuybitcoin.com NFL #superbowl #justbuybitcoin #bitcoin

Original article and pictures take images-backstitch.s3.amazonaws.com site

Bitcoin - Crypto Currency Responsive Bootsrap Template

Bitcoin - Crypto Currency Responsive Bootsrap Template
Bitcoin - Crypto Currency Responsive Bootsrap Template

Bitcoin is a clean and high quality creative Bootstrap Crypto Currency template. Build with Bootstrap v3.3.7. The main use is bitcoin mining websites, cryptocurrency exchange and trading, finances and business consulting, digital currencies. You can easily present your ideas with perfect stylish. well commented HTML and CSS code for user-friendly. Specially made for the cryptocurrency. Fully customize HTML and CSS files. Fully responsive and compatible with all latest browser.

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Note Images are just used for preview purpose only and NOT included in the final purchase files.

Original article and pictures take themehunt.com site

понедельник, 10 апреля 2017 г.

Bill Introduced to Make South Korean Officials Declare Their Crypto Investments

Bill Introduced to Make South Korean Officials Declare Their Crypto Investments
Bill Introduced to Make South Korean Officials Declare Their Cryptocurrency Investments

A bill has been introduced in South Korea to require public officials to declare their investments in cryptocurrencies including bitcoin. This initiative follows the recent controversies within the government regarding cryptocurrency regulations, including insider trading and market manipulation.

Also read: South Korea Urges 23 Countries, EU, and IMF to Collaborate on Curbing Crypto Trading

Bills for Public Officials to Declare Crypto Holdings

Chung Dong-yong, a member of the South Korean National Assembly’s Administrative and Security Committee, has introduced a bill to add cryptocurrency holdings, such as bitcoin, ether, and ripple, to the list of public disclosure items, according to local media.

Bill Introduced to Make South Korean Officials Declare Their Cryptocurrency Investments
Chung Dong-yong.

He explained that “the current Public Service Ethics law excludes cryptocurrency, which has recently emerged as a means of property proliferation,” Suwan News quoted him. The publication added that the legislation was jointly initiated by lawmakers Kwon Eun-hee, Park Joo-hyun, Yoon Young-il, Lee Chan-yeol, Jang Jeong-sook, Chun Jung-bae, and Kim Doo-kwan.

The bill amends the Public Service Ethics Act to require public officials to declare their cryptocurrency holdings of 10 million won or more (~USD$9,350). If the officials provide false or misleading information regarding their crypto possessions, Chung proposed a penalty and disciplinary action, Money Today detailed. The Hankyoreh then quoted him saying:

As the government is taking the lead in cryptocurrency regulation, the public sector should take the lead in transparently disclosing the property proliferation through cryptocurrency.

Recent Contention

Since the South Korean government announced its cryptocurrency regulatory measures in December, there have been several controversies and signs of contention among officials.

Bill Introduced to Make South Korean Officials Declare Their Cryptocurrency Investments
The petition with 223,055 signers.

Multiple national petitions have been filed concerning crypto regulations including one entitled “Has the government ever dreamed a happy dream for the people?” At the time of this writing, 223,055 people have signed this petition. According to the rules set by the Blue House, the government will respond to any petition with over 200,000 signers.

Recently, the lack of coordination among government departments led to the Ministry of Justice announcing that it is considering a cryptocurrency trading ban, followed by other Korean financial regulators distancing themselves from that standpoint.

Bill Introduced to Make South Korean Officials Declare Their Cryptocurrency Investments
Bill Introduced to Make South Korean Officials Declare Their Cryptocurrency Investments

Last week, some employees of the Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) were accused of insider trading on knowledge of cryptocurrency regulations. The agency is currently investigating the case. However, according to attorney Yang Ji Min, “there is no legal provision for punishment” since cryptocurrency is currently not a financial product, Yonhap reported.

Meanwhile, Representative Ha Tae-keung presented evidence that the government’s 40-minute embargo procedure led to market manipulation, as news.Bitcoin.com previously reported. Ha suggested, “The government has to deal with the embargo officer and find out who leaked it,” Korea Economic Daily quoted him. The Prime Minister’s Office has denied any accusation of deliberate leakage of information.

The Hankyoreh quoted Chung asserting:

We need to investigate whether we have taken unfair profits and disclose the status of our assets.

Do you think South Korean government officials should have to declare their cryptocurrency investments? Let us know in the comments section below.

Images courtesy of Shutterstock, Korean government, and Chung Dong-yong.

Need to calculate your bitcoin holdings? Check our tools section.

The post Bill Introduced to Make South Korean Officials Declare Their Crypto Investments appeared first on Bitcoin News.

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Original article and pictures take beat.10ztalk.com site

BBC Click 12-04-2014

BBC Click 12-04-2014

Next BBC Click 19-04-2014 - http://youtu.be/nkB5vtSoziU

Click goes inside a cyber squat with some of Europe's most influential hackers. Twitter's co-founder Biz Stone on his latest app. Includes tech news and Webscape.








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Original article and pictures take s.ytimg.com site

четверг, 6 апреля 2017 г.

Asia-Pacific Countries Initiates More Bitcoin Regulation

Asia-Pacific Countries Initiates More Bitcoin Regulation

Indeed, even before Japan’s financial controllers moved to embrace bitcoin as legitimate tender, the Japanese were at that point eager about the digital currency. Japan, South Korea, and Vietnam represented about 80% of worldwide bitcoin exchanging before the end of November. Asian youth are for the most part amped up for virtual monetary forms like bitcoin as speculation vehicles.

Despite this, there is approaching incredulity. The prominence of bitcoin and other crypto coins haven’t dwindled by any stretch of the imagination. On the off chance that anything, they are becoming progressively prevalent by the day. Be that as it may, this support has gone under government examination.

This expanding ubiquity of computerized monetary standards alongside their unpredictability has likewise made numerous world governments and administrative bodies apprehensive. Authorities expect that a crash in the bitcoin market could have a serious overflow impact on the more extensive economy. To exacerbate the situation, numerous controllers like India’s Reserve Bank of India (RBI), are careful about the likelihood of digital forms of money being utilized to finance psychological oppression, money laundering, sidestep charges, and other unlawful acts.

In addition, controllers in the Asia Pacific area, when all is said in done, appear to be especially uneasy about the ascent of advanced monetary standards. Nations like China and Vietnam have just fixed the noose on virtual money trades and financial specialists. Also, according to a portion of the current proclamations made by some compelling controllers in the district, it would appear that more nations will take action accordingly sooner than later.

For instance, the Bank of Japan (BOJ) Governor Haruhiko Kuroda was the most recent to join the “bitcoin boogeyman” temporary fad after he properly prompted financial specialists to be wary when exchanging diverse altcoins and bitcoin. Talking at a media gathering, Kuroda called the surge in bitcoin costs “abnormal.”

Original article and pictures take 99altcoin.com site

среда, 5 апреля 2017 г.

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Original article and pictures take www.powerminingpool.com site

понедельник, 3 апреля 2017 г.




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